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Monday 5 January 2015


Yes the relation is dead. Maybe the feelings are dead too. But lets give it a proper burial, a final honor, a graceful exit. Cause though the very real moments we once shared (and what is life but a series of memorable moments) , the magic of touch, the power of actions, the inspiring kind words we once spoke to each other are all but memories now of a distant past. Things that were so real just a short while ago we can catch hold off and relive only in our minds. And because we meant so much to each other once, because we transformed each other in some way, the respect, the fondness, the adoration that blossomed genuinely in our hearts once, needs closure. Let it be a final long embrace, a tight handshake, a lasting stare, whatever it takes, whatever will suffice to say what words might not do justice to. To thank. To end. To let go. To move on. A bitter sweet experience.

- S. Chaudhary

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