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Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Lessons before Birthday

As Socrates said : An un-examined life is not worth living. So what lessons have been learnt before the next personal solar year commences

(1) Kill Self Doubt. The biggest lesson for me. Have more confidence in my own convictions. Look within and not outside. Opinions are like, you know what. And everyones got one. So many useless voices around and even inside. Stick to your own honest, thoroughly thought-out and gut opinion, baaki sharafat gayi tel lene :) YOU know that you are coming from a benign honest place and thats all that truly matters.

(2) Less chatting/texting and More meeting. In short, also overcoming agoraphobia. 

(3) But meeting who? Cherry picking my very "exclusive" friendships and relations in general. Time is bloody precious and non-renewable. Dont "spend" rather "invest" in cultivating meaningful relations that bring out the best in me and dont pull me down and where in return even i get to contribute some "value" to another life is a time considered well spent!

(4) Express more. Like i read somewhere - Dont express your anger rather explain it and reach a solution instead of unintentionally keeping the drama alive. Confront instead of retreat (that i usually do out of politeness.) Say it out loud rather than harbor whats bothering you and move on yaar. Its either resolved or ended but atleast you will know and have clarity when the issue is put to rest once for all and you can concentrate on better things in life. Life is short.

(5) I know its that time of the year when i should bow my head, feel gratitude in my heart and am expected to be pleasant. I am really trying to but the truth is as spiritual and optimistic that i try to be honestly i am presently not in tune with these higher vibrations/ideals. I am (rightfully) angry about a few things and generally i have always been the first to mend fences/harmonize but this time surprisingly i am in full bitch mode. I really dont care, even if i try to. Not to purposely hurt others. But because thats what i am truly feeling. So more in touch with "reality" what you are really going through as against what should ideally be. Soon it shall come to pass but i am liking this new honest-with-self approach. Dont aspire to be a people pleaser, wont change what i am feeling/projecting just so that you "like" me. Nope.

(6) Less wastage of time. Try to make every waking minute productive. Energy leaks happen even when you are thinking about the past, what went wrong or too much about the future - what will be? Like the corny phrase - Past is history, Future is a mystery but "Present" is the Gift. Again associations that bring quality/ value to life is a good fresh start.

(7) How many second chances? Earlier policy- Infinite. Now - Just once, provided its an "honest mistake" and the erring party is sincerely willing to change. The ex's and O's may keep coming back but some people are best left in 2014 :) With best wishes of course! Thank God for that courage and clarity.

(8) More productive use of your gifts and talents. Hungrier than ever to learn, absorb, grow.

(9) Put your foot down more often. Those who are meant to stay will stay, rest who have nothing more left to teach you and whose role in your life is over will leave.

(10) I took pride in the fact that i am quite frank or moophat if it boils down to expressing my opinions. Now, however, even though ill keep it frank ill try and keep my words softer and kinder. I have realized words are extremely powerful. Use very very wisely, measured and carefully. They can obliterate a poor souls confidence or give them fresh energy and hope. Id rather choose to do the latter service with the gift of my words and power to express. More silence. More "listening" More connecting.

(11) Old ways of connecting with me just wont work anymore. Goodbye superficiality. I am at that point in life and maturity where i want deep, real and fulfilling connections. No Bullshit. More "Honesty." You try and bullshit me i'll smile but Not reply back. Simple.

(12) I want to laugh more. And make everyone around me laugh as well. I want more innocence in this world. I want to dance more. "Soak in" and really "feel" moments because life is but a series of "memorable" moments. In the end, the afternoons you spent surfing the net or watching television will not be the highlights of your life. What will come flooding back to your memory, create a flutter in your heart and bring an instant smile to your lips is an afternoon spent going bonkers with friends or that rock climbing trip that was so challenging and enjoyable, that dreamy vacation or the love you shared. Those moments count. Rest is too dry, mundane and forgettable no.

(13) Think less. Learn to shut your mind. You dont have all the answers, all the missing pieces of the puzzle and thats perfectly fine. That is how it is supposed to be in the present moment. Have faith and embrace that. You will eventually find out. Live here rather than in your head going cuckoo for cocoa puffs with assumptions.

(14) Self love. Self care. Happy, content and sharp mind inside a super fit, healthy body. Heal self so that can heal others as well. Thats my vision. Thats about it i guess...Until next year :)

- S. Chaudhary

Monday, 5 January 2015


When i am not having conversations "with" you, i am having conversations "about" you. In my head. And given the limitless landscape of the mind, there can exist contradictory perspectives, co-existing even without my awareness. And just how a tiny flame, an innocent friction between two branches can hungrily engulf the entire forest, these opposing voices can grow stronger and stronger and consume the entire relation. Nip it in the bud. Uproot the toxic weeds. Talk to me. From the depths of your heart and soul. And i will know.

- S. Chaudhary


Yes the relation is dead. Maybe the feelings are dead too. But lets give it a proper burial, a final honor, a graceful exit. Cause though the very real moments we once shared (and what is life but a series of memorable moments) , the magic of touch, the power of actions, the inspiring kind words we once spoke to each other are all but memories now of a distant past. Things that were so real just a short while ago we can catch hold off and relive only in our minds. And because we meant so much to each other once, because we transformed each other in some way, the respect, the fondness, the adoration that blossomed genuinely in our hearts once, needs closure. Let it be a final long embrace, a tight handshake, a lasting stare, whatever it takes, whatever will suffice to say what words might not do justice to. To thank. To end. To let go. To move on. A bitter sweet experience.

- S. Chaudhary