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Friday, 16 August 2013

The Importance of Savings and How to Save

As Warren Buffet once said - Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago. I can not even begin to emphasize the importance of savings. My only regret, I learnt this lesson much later in life (and remember its never too late to start saving). Though I wish I had opened my eyes to its affects and methods, I would have been better off today and who doesn't wish to be better off than what they already are? Anyway, regret is a non-productive emotion so learning from my mistake, let me share some wise gems i have stumbled upon along the way :

(1) Save every single instalment of income : Yes, I know what I am saying may sound a bit of a stretch, like a miser talking but it is valid and doable. Set a percentage. If you want to save aggresively than 50% save and 50% set aside for spendings. A little more practical and long term ratio should be somewhere around 20 % savings and 80% expenditure from your total income. You know your budget best. After taking into consideration deductions like EMIs, utility bills, travel and conveyance, rent, etc. set aside part of income again for smooth functioning of every day life such as shopping of food or clothes, hanging out,etc. And the rest should immediately be locked away as savings.

(2) Save first, spend later : A healthy habit is to mentally calculate the amount you will spend and save and then immdediately as the figures are decided, go ahead and save. Lock away the funds and do not procrastinate as some or the other expense will show up. Money is always lesser than needs so learn to cheat your indulgent side and go save. If you think money slips through your fingers the moment you earn it then especially do this.

(3) A Rupee saved is a Rupee Earned : Don't be disheartened by the fact that after so many deductions you will hardly be saving a very tiny amount. Drops make an ocean so don't worry if you are even able to save just 5 bucks or 500. Even if you manage to regularly save just Rs. 500 a month as savings, then after a year you will have Rs. 6000! Isn't that a better figure than zero. Keep a small box or glass jar or better still a piggy bank and save coins and small change as well. These seemingly 'insignificant' savings have rescued me in the past.

(4) Rainy day : We were taught the importance of savings in kindergarten (remember Aesop's fable - The ant and the grasshopper). Old age will come and it will not be kind. You can work hard now and save up for the future when your limbs or brain may not support you. Sorry to paint such a morbid pucture but we have no way of knowing whats in store for us say 20 years from now. So while it is best to hope for the best, prepare for the worst and savings help you do just that.

(5) Peek into the future : If you haven't yet set financial goals then just ask yourself this question. Why save? And then picture your future - Do you want foreign vacations with family? What about your kids education and fees? What about medical emergencies? What if at some point you decide to start a business and need finance for that? What about yor assets like home and car? Do you wish to own and expand them? For yourself and your family? There is inflation and prices will keep going up in the future too. Have you provided immunity to yourself and your loved ones so that the price pinch doesn't hurt? You will know where you stand and how aggressive you need to be to start saving .

(6) Never stop : Do you stop brushing your teeth after a while? Do you stop eating and breathing? Alright, I may be just stating bodily functions but the point is expenses like electricity, food and clothes are life long and so should your habit of saving be. Never be satisfied if at all you have reached a certain goal. Diversify your portfolio. It's not about being greedy, it's plain common sense. If at all you hit a phase where say you are jobless or aren't making enough to make ends meet then it is understandable to take a break from savings. But as soon as the party starts, start saving again if you wish the party to continue for life, long after you have retired and have a dozen grand children to take care of.

(7) Don't just save, make your earnings earn for you : There are many investment options available today. First try and establish a safe portfolio with limited risks (these often have limited returns as well.) And once you reach this threshold, diversify and take small calculated risks to reap in more benefits. A professional financial consultant should be able to guide you more in this regard. Search around, seek the correct advice.

(8) Millionaire in the crib : Teach your children, the value and respect for money and the importance of saving. Install in them, since a young age the habit of saving. I am definitely not saying that you should not indulge them! That would be cruel and what would childhood memories be made of if not pampering them silly! However, side by side train them now so that they don't grow up to be impractical adults who find it impossible to save. Teach the difference between basic necessary spendings and extravagance. You can buy them a small cute piggy bank as a birthday gift and keep track of their hard earned savings and gently encourage them every now and then. It will be a valuable lesson and they will thank you for life.

- S. Chaudhary
Pictures Courtesy : Google Images

Happy Ending Versus Right Ending

I recall watching 3 movies recently. Tower Heist, Rise of the planet of the apes and Looper. Personally, I am a sucker for happy endings (sad endings depress me, make me restless even though its just a movie!) I realised that all three movies do not have happy endings but right endings and yet I felt content.

So what exactly is this difference between a happy ending vis-a-vis a right ending?

Given his noble intention of stealing back what rightfully belonged to him and his staff, I would have loved Kovaks character walking away scot-free like the rest of his gang in Tower Heist. However, a sentence albeit tantamount to a slap on the wrist was necessary instead of all of them getting away because no matter the best of intentions, a crime had been committed.

Everyone is happy eventually as they get back more than what was wrongfully stolen from them (indeed their investements tripled as Kovaks had aspired initially) however Kovaks in a jumpsuit in the end was a kind of dampener on a perfectly happy ending. Still, it endeared him even more as he took the fall for the team and also the crime did not go unpunished. A bitter sweet end yet a right ending.

I would have hoped that in Rise of the planet of the apes, Caeser returns to Will, to his safe, protected and innocent life again. That they find a cure for the humanity killing virus ALZ-113. (that is an open window to a sequel, everyone is interested in finding out how it plays out.)  However, they show Caesar going back to his natural environment, where he truly belongs and thereby fulfilling what nature intended for him. Bitter sweet again yet an absolutely right end. Though it doesn't fulfill what I had selfishly hoped for, I am not complaining.

Joe kills himself in Looper so as to stop a chain of reactions that would lead Cid to become a ruthless, bitter murderer, driven by vengeance in the future. He gives Cid a chance to grow up normally, supported by his mothers love, support and a caring, encouraging environment, thereby saving many lives in the future but sacrificng his own life, desires and aspirations for that to happen.  I would have wanted Joe to somehow escape and live, mend his ways and realise a meaningful life yet his action and its consequences are apt and acceptable.

Now, I don't need to highlight the importance of endings. Endings are as crucial as the whole movie. So it may not have turned out what i would have hoped for but at the end of the movie I feel content. One may guess and trace its roots in humanity's inherent sense of right and wrong that we learn to make our peace and eventually accept what is correct in real and reel life. That is why a right ending is more appropriate and satisfactory than a happy ending.

- S. Chaudhary
Pictures Courtesy : Google Images

Thursday, 15 August 2013

What Hindi TV Serials can learn from Western TV shows

Here is a list of the mistakes we make and how we can improve :

(1) Lazy Writers : Imagine the effect a cleverly written scene will have where your audience will very naturally end up learning a valuable ideal or end up hating a character and understand why he or she is wrong without being spoon fed. To give an example, in the initial seasons of Desperate Housewives, Bree's son Andrew's deeds and actions justified what a jerk he was. The scenes were so evocative and self explanatory that the audiences naturally gravitated towards Bree and it was crystal clear as to why Andrew was such an anathema. However, our tv serial writers believe in preaching. There will be long repititive dialogues that will eventually bore you and you take back nothing from them. Like in a recent serial that i was watching, the protagonists kept harping in almost two lengthy scenes, about the importance of girl child. Though  I get the noble intention here, i simply cannot forgive the crude and lazy manner in which it was presented. Why talk when you can show? Isn't that breaking a very basic rule of creative writing for the screen. When you have the power of visual why read it out like a speech from a book. How primitive and unimaginative is that. Like spoon feeding the audience. I will blame the writers here. It doesn't matter you are always pressed for time and are required to churn out fresh ideas relentlessly like clockwork. But that is what you get paid for! Also you cannot afford to take your audience for granted. Also, a key element that many tend to overlook is that with set top box and internet, foreign channels are easily available. So now just Indian channels and same time slot programmes are not your only competition. Wake up to the fact that you are competing on a global level and there is no turning back now. If anything, this competition will only get more fierce with time.

(2) Lack of "real" drama : I will blame the writers here again. Because most of the plots lack a very real drama that should naturally tense the audience, we rely heavily on and mis-use other tools like too many slow motions, unnecessary round trolley shots, blaring back ground score, over acting and the now famous 3 back to back repetitive close up/ panning shots. Its like shoving a scene down your throat in a failed attempt to eventually evoke some inkling of dread. I never find myself naturally saying "Oh my God" and fervently rooting for any character in any setting. Also stretching a scene or drama beyond the required time in a failed attempt to exaggerate the impact or simply to buy/kill more time. It just shows you have no respect for your audience's valuable time. Why not instead use your brain to create situations that are naturally so powerful n full of drama that there is no need for such cheap, unintelligent tactics. Tools like background, camera work, mood lighting can enhance the scene to create a powerful emotion/ impact on the audience. So sad to see it all go to such woeful waste. I never see a western series ever wasting even a single episode. You are hooked because every time the story moves forward, there is ample of material to look forward to. They respect their audiences' time and intelligence. Here an entire episode can be dedicated to flashbacks, slow motions, wailing picturised on some filmy song!

(3) Treating your audiences like fools : Gimmicks like plastic surgery, resurrection, lost and found twin are so done to death, predictable and laughable i wonder if the audience buys it anymore. Come on! Really now? Also tacky CGI gives me goosebumps.

(4) Regressive : There is a very dangerous trend these days that many serials are following. It shows the men as total jerks, ill treating women and women are not just putting up with this unacceptable behaviour, they are in love with such men!!! I dont know what kind of sick masochistic pleasure the writers derieve from such potrayal but what i can't fathom is that inspite of repetitive misbehaviour, why can't they show a strong independent woman slapping such a jerk and leaving him for good? What is she scared of? Why can't they show she doesn't need to put up with such atrocities and is capable of  finding a decent job and better deserving lover and that this jerk is not the end of the world? And how can she ever love such a person? A woman who despite his bad behaviour tags along and finally manages to 'transform' the bad boy is hailed and revered! Millions follow the show. What kind of sick message does it send out? That men can get away with being the spoilt sport, it is the woman's duty to put up with such despicable attitude cause she lacks an alternative choice and that she is the one who will transform him into a good guy! I personally feel relations should be given a fair and patient chance to be fixed and mended before they are permanently tossed away for good but I or any self respecting woman for that matter, would never ever put up with a guy who mistreats me with his words and actions. Love is totally out of question! What are these serials teaching the impressionable youth, it scares me.

(5) Lack of diversity : While American tv series can indulge and spoil you with a plethora of choices from a Supernatural to Sex and city to Entourage to Game of thrones, Hindi tv writers/ makers are scared to take creative risks.

(6) Lack of originality/ unique ideas : Very few serials here attempt to try out something totally out of the box and mind boggling. Even if they do, they are handicapped by lack of proper infrastructure to keep it real. Dexter - about a do-gooder serial killer, Prison break - a gripping adventurous plot about escape from prison and nail biting yet believable roadblocks, Breaking Bad - desperate circumstances that make a law abiding citizen turn rogue, 24 - an interesting pattern for a show and they never lack material per episode for what goes on in a matter of just an hour, thats commendable! Even sitcoms like Seinfeld - amazing writing or Friends or How i met your mother. Even UK is superior in content when it comes to Sherlock holmes series, IT crowd, Spaced, etc. Pull up your socks, we are light years behind in terms of intelligent writing.

(7) Caught in a time warp : The characters in some of our tv serials appear to be suspended in some kind of a time warp. They sleep with such heavy jewellery and golden or purple eyes shadows (really now). The hair is always perfect and permed and they always seem dressed for a party, no matter where the scene is going! I don't know whether the makers are deliberately doing it to showcase production value and grandeur, which they have eventually succeeded at, unfortunately at the cost of taking it far away from reality. Why would you do that and distract from the main plot? Or are you compensating for the lack of it?  Also in the name of "indianising" your story telling for the local audience, writers dumb down the scenes. If its great and complicated have faith your audience will understand and lap it up.

(8) Ignoring a large section of modern audience : Most of the shows these days are set in a rural setting. Matter of fact, that is not an issue provided the plot is gripping. But with the writers busy re-inforcing ancient, redundant, outdated and regressive ideals or morals drilling it night after night into the minds of millions of their viewers that in the process they are neglecting a major chunk of educated, modern audience that could be residing both in the urban as well as rural areas. Plus, those of us who have access to foreign shows can calibrate, disapprove and dismiss the sub-standard quality of content available here. And for those sections of the audience that still doesn't have access to western shows and superior writing, why take them for granted? Its like selling black and white phones just because the consumer is still unaware about iphones and smart phones! Budgetary constraints are understandable (in fact that doesn't seem to be much of a problem as I don't see many sci-fi or special effects/cgi based shows on our channels, and the rest are doing pretty well in terms of production value) but I simply fail to understand why we can't compete on a creative level? And if we are lagging behind then the only obvious excuse is we are not applying ourselves enough. Thats laziness. Don't ignore the thinkers in the audience by justifying the tag "idiot box". Imagine if the writing is terrific and the content is good, it will be devoured religiously by both the hitherto untapped thinkers in the audience as well as the loyal plain entertainment seeking group

(9) Zero shades of grey : We like our characters either all black or all white, meaning either angel or devil. Has it ever occured to the makers that grey are more relatable and real characters? Plus, there is so much to play around with if a character has grey shades, he can forever keep his audience guessing. Sadly writers here don't like or use this shade frequently.

(10) Self Sympathy : When will we stop feeling sorry for ourselves? I have often heard makers here say that, the west may be advanced in technology but we here are rich as far the emotional angle goes, human story is our USP. I don't agree. The writers here seemed to be confused between making the audience root for the character (which could stem from either their well deserving cause, circumstance or a strong etched character that naturally demands audiences support) and between just buckets of tears over nothing and just feeling sorry and sympathy for all the wrong that has happened to them. Even if its cinematically and creatively acceptable and at times inevitable  to show a characters break down in order to show their transformation and to take the story forward, our writers take entire episodes and sometimes whole seasons to move on whereas their western counterparts will show the transformation in about 10 seconds and more effectively. Why do we love to linger? Again i guess lack of content makes us stretch and exploit scenes and emotions. When will the protagonists earn my respect and inspire me by getting up and changing their situations after a major betrayal or mighty fall? Thats the stuff memorable heroes and worship worthy charaters are made of.  Where are the jaw dropping scenes, mind boggling twists and turns, intensely moving and justified emotions that will make me return to the tube night after night?

I am still waiting. And its a long wait.

Every day millions tune in. TV is such a powerful medium. Imagine the kind of impact it can and does have on society, the kind of positive transformation one can cause to an individual or group. Of course tv is basically a tool for entertainment but when such a gigantic power is at the hands of limited people who can affect a larger section then why not use it effectively. Even if you focus on just entertaining atleast prepare, do your homework and brain storming and do your job right. Don't continually ham. That is not entertainment. Certainly not by global standards.

Its amazing how I can sit down to watch only 1 episode of say Prison Break, times flies and much later I realise that I am at episode 12 and I still can't afford to take even a pee break ! It is THAT ENGROSSING. And whenever my folks at home turn on the television I can't bear to watch it beyond 4 minutes! And beyond that if i dare, I would need a Disprin (what with all the unecessary wailing, preaching, lingering, bad writing.) Not exaggerrating but it is THAT BAD. Also when I say what we can "learn" from western shows, I do not mean simply copying or a shameless rip-off. I mean to get down to actually learning the writing techniques but ultimately creating your own original content for your loyal audience, that has been taken for granted for far too long.
- S. Chaudhary

Pictures Courtesy : Google Images